Wednesday, May 9, 2012


The therapists have begun to take those real time X-rays after my zapping. I asked why and was told that they need to repeat the same process that they do before the beamer hits the spot. OK, so repeat means to do something again that you have already done, right? So, why do you repeat the process I asked the therapist. I received a lot more info that I can repeat, but the gist of it is that they want to make sure that the gold coils (remember those things implanted in my prostate that they aim for) are lined up before and after the radiating. So, technically they did not repeat the procedure because the second one was different from the first. That was all the therapist cared to talk about this issue.

When I was just a sweet little thing—4-5 years old—I would sit on the chopping block in the general store owned by Leon Tate in Black Hawk, Mississippi. The patrons laughed at me because I loved to eat “goose liver” from Mr. Leon’s meat box. I had an early start enjoying different foods. These same fellows gave me a nick name—Repete. They would say that I was a “spitting image” of Pete Cox.

All my life I have been told how much I look like my dad. That never bothered me as I think both of us are handsome dudes. Many have told me how some of my mannerisms are similar to Pete’s. Just like Pete, I love working in the soil. I love the smell of dirt. I enjoy tilling, planting, weeding, and harvesting food, flowers and trees—just like Pete.

My dad’s name is James Wesley Cox, but I don’t remember anyone calling him by that name while I was growing up. He was and still is “Pete.”  I have never heard him introduce himself as James Wesley, James or James W. Cox—just Pete Cox.

Ten of our eleven grandchildren (one can’t talk yet) call my dad Pete. Our children grew up calling him Pop, but somehow we are all now calling him Pete. I think he likes it that way.

No one calls me Repete anymore, and that’s OK. I am proud to be a repeat of Pete, so in my heart I will always be Repete.

1 comment:

Madelyn said...

Funny! And just one of the things we didn't know about you.