Wednesday, February 26, 2020


While lying on the treatment table today, I had more difficulties with the “bite block” that I wear in my mouth under my mask. I needed to cough, but it is impossible to cough with that contraction pressed into my mouth. It is hard to explain, but it is a most uncomfortable feeling.

I was praying but after that coughing sensation I knew I had to do something else to distract my mind. I started wondering how many words were in my vocabulary. I started counting and arrived at a few hundred, and before I knew it, the treatment was over. So, I figured I knew at least a thousand words.

That led me to do some surfing on the web. I found a study by “The Economist” magazine from 2013 that found that the average native-speaking adult has a vocabulary range of 20,000-35,000 words. Wow! I must know a lot more words than I imagined. 

That intrigued me, so I did some more surfing and from a study done by the University of Arizona I found that the average adult speaks 16,000 words per day. Now I found some other stuff about women speaking more words per day than men, but I am not going there!

Ironically, today in a phone call after my treatment someone called my attention to this verse - Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. - Ephesians 4:29

After my surfing tonight I have been thinking a lot about how many of the 16,000 words that I spoke today were not pleasing to the Lord. 

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.  - Psalm 19:14


Ann Kay said...

I am so sorry you had such a bad treatment. But your strength and love for the Lord is such a witness, in that we can get through difficult situations by leaning on him. Continued prayers and thank you for sharing!
Ann K

Anonymous said...

Larry, I'm glad to find your blog. Pat Lawson had referred to it some time ago, and I sought for it on the internet, but did not find it. She included the link in her email of today. She sure loves you--and of course, so do Karen and I love you and Cheryl and your family.

I heard recently heard that women have about 35,000 words in their vocabulary, while men have around 25,000. Men use theirs up during the day, and when they get home, they just want to rest and be silent. Which is the approximate time of day that women want to just get started using their allotment! (Assuming they have been home with kids all day--must be a dated story of yesteryear!)

Thanks for writing. It helps us know how to better pray for you. Al Hodges