Tuesday, January 28, 2020

What is Ton Tenga?

A few people have asked, “What is Ton Tenga?”

As a part of our family’s overseas service, we lived in Upper Volta (Burkina Faso since August 1984) for 7½ years. In addition to speaking French we had to speak the language of the Mossi people called Moré. In that language “ton tenga” means “our land” or more loosely “our farm.” 

When we purchased land in northwest Georgia in 2006, we named it Ton Tenga. We built our new house on this land and for the past 12 years, Ton Tenga has been our home.


Paul Randy said...

Happy and Privilege to be your guests for couple of days @ Ton Tenga . Very very comfortable home

Unknown said...

Thank you for inviting me to be a part of your blogspot...it will give me more information on what to pray for and keep me updated. Love your family!