Yesterday after I completed my 26th treatment, I
had to go to the clinic area for a head and neck scan. I finished about 4:45pm.
To put this in perspective, yesterday was Friday, and I was in mid-town
Atlanta. That spells chaos for traffic. Fortunately, it was not raining because
that multiplies the difficulty of moving around in ATL. However, President Trump
was visiting the CDC yesterday, so when I exited the parking garage the street
looked like a parking lot. I am sure that the president did not give one second
of consideration as to what his visit would do to millions of drivers all
trying to get home on a Friday afternoon. Why not visit the CDC on a Tuesday morning?
I was only five blocks from I-75 north, and the prospect of
making the 85-mile drive in less than two hours looked bleak. Finally, I was able
to nudge my car into the mass thanks to a kind person. Ten minutes later I had
moved the length of two cars. We were in line to get on the ramp for I-75—five blocks
away. I patiently waited for another 10 minutes and still had moved only 100
feet. I was right at a side street that had very few cars on it, so I turned
into it only to realize it was a dead end two blocks later.
Wanting to keep moving, I drove in the opposite direction of
the interstate, and although traffic was lighter (meaning creeping along), I
was driving in the opposite direction from my home. I must stop this play-by-play
of my fight with Atlanta traffic and get on with my story!
Anyhow, some of the things you do while stuck in traffic is
read all the signs, stare at other drivers and read bumper stickers. A pickup
truck with a Mississippi license plate was in the lane next to me, but there
were no bumper stickers or decals on the back window. However, these words were
painted in big letters on the tailgate: “Though my enemy be all around me, my
God surrounds my enemy.”
Those words led me to cogitate on how much I take for
granted the fact that the Spirit of the Lord is always with me. Often I hear
people praying something like this: “Lord we just ask you to be with us.” or “Lord,
would you bless us with your presence among us today as we gather for worship”. Hey, you don’t need to pray that one because
He is already with us.
Thank you, Lord, that you surround our enemies before we
even know they are present.
Oh, by the way, I arrived home after a three-hour drive.
1 comment:
Larry, I'm sorry to hear that you got stuck in all that traffic. Your description reminded me of Mexico City traffic! I'm glad that your treatments are going well. Continued prayers.
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