Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Last night Kelli and Jason and the girls arrived from Jordan for the wedding this weekend. They came in two shifts: Kelli and two girls arrived in Atlanta at 5pm and Jason and the other two arrived at 9pm. Kelli was trying to stay awake for the arrival of the rest of the family, so we were talking—mainly I was talking trying to keep her awake. She mentioned this blog, and I reminded her that it was her comments that encouraged me to continue to write.

While trying to keep her awake I blabbered on about the blog. I admitted to Kelli that I was more productive with writing while we were in Florida. Although I continued my work and kept up with the pace of work during those six weeks in Florida, there were fewer interruptions and just more time to think and reflect. Now I don’t do a good job of writing if I just sit down and say to myself, “What am I going to write about?” I get ideas during those reflective times when I am allowing my mind to objectively wander—that means I am not zoned out, but I am relaxing my mind and allowing thoughts to come out of my heart and soul.
Interestingly enough, events from the past or creative thoughts are not the only type things that come from this reflective thinking. That is also a grand time of worshipping God. The Lord inhabits the hidden creases of our soul. He helps us by cleansing that which is unclean. He brings joy from things that we have temporarily forgotten. He brings hope from experiences while walking with Him. He assures me of His everlasting love for me.
As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man. Proverbs 27:19 (ESV)

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