Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Only three more treatments to go. The time has quickly passed; we have enjoyed this time in Florida. Most of the prostate cancer victims are retired, so many of them call this period a “radiation vacation.” I cannot bring myself to call it a vacation—I mean every day I have the same routine, and it is definitely not something that I would call a vacation. I have enjoyed keeping up with my work every day. It has been challenging. I am one of those who doesn’t like to work from home anyhow, but I have to admit it has been a productive time. Maybe because I wasn’t in the office!?

We moved Rolfe Dorsey to a nursing home last weekend while we were in Louisville. The hospital would not keep him as he has requested no treatment for the cancer. His internist is the medical director of the home where we placed him, and Rolfe and his doctor have a very close relationship. His doctor walks with the Lord and has had several long prayer/teaching times with Rolfe over the last two weeks. He is taking good care of Rolfe and we feel good about his care in the home. Rolfe called today and asked me to arrange for him to go home to die. He is experiencing some dementia and is getting weaker every day. I had to tell him that he would not return to his home. That was hard. I have learned a lot about the legal aspects of death, and it will help me to better prepare my family for the inevitable.

Many have asked Cheryl how Allison is doing planning a wedding without her mother. If they asked me I would say, “Allison is so organized that she will take care of everything; besides she has our credit card.” Plans are going well for the June 23 wedding, and we are looking forward to having all our family together—which does not happen very often—and many of our extended family and very dear friends participate in this very special event.

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