Sunday afternoon Larry finally used his birthday gift from last year -- a hang-gliding experience. We drove over to Lookout Mountain, and after completing a lot of paper work (if you read it all and think about it much, it'll scare you out of going through with it!), Larry suited up and was soon airborne. He didn't have to jump off a cliff -- this experience (actually a flying lesson) was with a licensed instructor, and they were pulled up from the airstrip by an ultra-lite plane.

A camera on the wing of the glider took these photos. Notice that in the 2nd & 3rd pictures, Larry is actually flying the glider. The instructor had a parachute, but they didn't give Larry one. If the worst happened, I guess he'd just have to hang on to the other guy!

Larry loved it and said he would do it again. Next time he wants to make it a group experience -- anyone interested?
1 comment:
Mike B volunteers! Great family photo of you guys. Have to cherish those serendipitous gatherings. Looking forward to coming to Ton Tenga in March??
Mike B (and Cindy)
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