Note there are only three columns up. There will be four, but Lowe's did not have the base and cap for the fourth one, so it is back-ordered.
On the inside the hardwood floors were finished yesterday, so all floors are finished. Today the cabinets will be delivered!! (Cheryl said to put those exclamations in there. She has worked hard on getting this order done).
Pending completing work on the stairs (treads, risers, ballusters, railing, etc.) and some trim work, the painters should start the first of next week.
The stones for the fireplace and outside trim were ordered this week. We will work on the fireplace once the painters are finished. Work on the natural stones on the retaining walls will be going on the first of next week.
what happened to all the trees to the right of the house?
This still looks good to me. AJ it's winter! Oh you mean the ones that are gone. Hey, lc, Just talked to JB from Atl. He is flying over your head now. Says, hi! Sounds good. Keep up the good work.
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