The sheetrock work is finished. Painting will be delayed as we don't have our doors. We ordered them, but the company we used is having financial problems because of the housing industry crunch and they were unable to get them ordered. So, on Wednesday we will start over. We also have to get our moulding bought this next week. The painters want it and the doors installed before they begin painting.
The tile was laid in the basement baths this week-- black and white. I will post a photo of that later.
We have been doing a lot of dirt moving --- AGAIN!! We had to remove three feet of dirt at the garage site to level off the pad for the slab. Plus we are having to move more of the mountain beside it to make room for us to get a vehicle past the garage to get up to the top of our hill, and we are taking out some of the hill to make room for a turn-around. That's a lot of dirt! We also to dig up the main water line and electrical line to the pump and garage since it would have been higher than the excavation for the garage. So, lots of unplanned work has taken place these last two weeks.
All electrical outlets and switches have been installed and we hope to get the electricity to the house turned on this week so we will have some heat. We have constructed a deck (just outside the east side of our bedroom) for the three HVAC units to have a level place to be installed.
This first shot looks from the east side of the loft down into the great room and into the dining room.
These next two pics show some of the dirt work that has been going on. The garage will sit in front of the well pump in the second photo.
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