We had a birthday party for JKAMN tonight -- all five of them since we will not be with them on any of their birthdays. We had vegetables -- peas, corn on the cob, fried okra, cornbread, cabbage, potato salad, stuffed eggs and other trimmings. Wish that JKSD could have been here to share in the meal and good time around the table. The cake is an ice cream one that Nana concocted -- ice cream sandwiches around the outside edge.

Jason and I went out to the house site about dark and most of my pictures did not take but AJ took some today and she will post those later tonight, so you will have a better idea of the progress. The pic above is from the play room looking up and Jason is standing about where the main entrance to the h0use will be. Floor joists were installed today and they will start the floor decking tomorrow. All framing for the basement is completed and now we can finally tell more about the size of rooms and flow through them.

This shot is from the road leading up to the house. The road continues up around behind the house and we will enter the house from the back (or the front or whatever you want to call it. It is going to be very tall!!
I am taking Jason and Kelli to Pine Mt. tomorrow to see IMPACT 360 campus and to meet the staff. Denny and Sherry will come tomorrow evening and stay through the weekend. JKAMN leaves on Friday am for Mimi and Pop's for the night.
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