I took the day off on Friday to spend some time with Pop. We went and bought some corral panels for getting the cows up to load on a trailer. The farm supply had some cross ties, and we are going to need a lot of them for landscaping, so we bought a bundle of them (16). We were moving the ties from the trailer two at a time on the front end loader of the tractor. Working on the last two ties, I threw the last one on top of the other one just as we had been doing, but this time Pop didn't get his thumb out of the way in time and his thumb was crushed. It was a gruesome looking injury.
The urgent care center could not help us and sent us to the emergency room. The ER doctor said that Pop would have to have a hand surgeon work on him. That surgeon wound up being my hand surgeon -- one that did two hand surgeries on me this summer. The surgeon removed the remainder of the nail in the ER, but Pop had to be prepped for surgery to put that thumb back together.
Pop was quite a hit in the ER and operating suite -- everyone wanted to talk with the 80 year old who was injured moving railroad ties! I heard one of the nurses tell another coming on duty, "He is such a sweetie!"